Call for Papers
Dear Sir or Madam,
The next STUVA Conference, the international forum for tunnels and infrastructure, will take place at the CCH Hamburg from 25 to 27 November 2025. As always, the lecture event will be accompanied by the STUVA Expo. We invite and encourage you to submit an abstract for the public lectures on 25 and 26 November.
The lecture series is divided into the two segments “Tunnelling” and “Tunnel Operation/Planning” with more than 60 lectures in all. For example, the lectures can be on the following main topics:
- Most recent developments in underground construction, Major international projects, Mechanised tunneling, Tunnelling under difficult ground conditions,
- Exploration, Planning, Latest guidelines and regulations,
- Upgrading, Modernization, Safety during construction of tunnels, Safety equipment, Innovative safety concepts, Fire protection, Fire detection, Behaviour of tunnel users, Lighting and escape route signage, Tunnel control systems,
- Maintenance, Refurbishment, Research,
- Sustainability, Recovery and use of energy, Reduction of CO₂ Emissions,
- Contractual issues, Financing, Economics, Risk management,
- BIM, Digitization in Tunnelling, Tunnel management.
As we will provide simultaneous interpretation, we also welcome English speakers to hold their presentations in English.
Youth Forum
Since 2010 we have provided the young generation of tunnellers the chance to give an insight of the fascination of tunnelling in the “Youth Forum”.
We are therefore looking for young, highly-qualified engineers or specialists in all tunnelling-related fields, from your organisations, to take part in the forum. Nominees should be aged up to 35, have acquired initial practical or academic experience and be in a position to report on the latest developments in their respective fields. From the proposals submitted, around five participants will be chosen to give papers at the Youth Forum. Based on these talks, the winner of the STUVA Young Talent Award will be decided. The award will be presented at the gala evening.
Applying to give a paper
If you are interested in contributing a paper to the STUVA Conference we ask you to submit an application by January 31, 2025 paying heed to the relevant instructions.
An external selection committee will compile the conference programme from the proposals provided and then pass them on to the STUVA board for approval. As experience has shown that more papers are suggested than can be presented in the time available we ask for your understanding that possibly not all suggestions can be considered. Those having shown their interest will be contacted by the middle of May 2025.
Overview of Dates
Submission of proposals by 31 January 2025
Communication on the acceptance of the presentations by 15 May 2025
Submission of long lecture version (ready to be published) until 31 July 2025
STUVA Conference 2025 in Hamburg, 25-27 November 2025
Contact and further Information
Dipl.-Ing. Stefanie Posch
Tel.: +49 221 5 97 95 - 11
E-mail: s.posch/at/